Blog 4 - Personal Media Consumption

In the tracked week, I recorded about 47 hours of screen time on my iPhone. This ranged from a variety of activities, from work to hobbies to general scrolling. There was never a day under 4 hours of screen time, with the lowest on Thursday. This specific day makes sense because I had to travel to Saginaw for work and was there for the better half of my day covering hockey. It makes sense that I was on my phone at least 4 hours every day because I typically have some chunk of time at night where I am either watching TV, movies, or other video content, with over 50% of my screentime coming then. My heaviest screen time days were on Wednesday and Friday, with each day around 10 hours. I recall watching a movie on each of those days, explaining a greater chunk of that time. Along with that, I also had less classwork/lectures and was not scheduled to work those days. With the increased downtime, my screen time increased accordingly. 


Looking at the frequency of the periods spent on my phone, I averaged about 69 pickups for every 8 hours, or just less than 9 an hour. My pickups didn’t quite follow the same pattern as my general screen time did. Despite one of my busiest days being Monday, it was also one of my highest days in pickups. Friday, a day where I was much less busy, had a very similar number of pickups. It seems that the amount of activity in a day didn’t affect my pickups, but possibly my focus on them did. 


Looking at my most used apps, they are all social media. My most used is Instagram. This makes sense because I use it for social activity, entertainment, and my content creation/inspiration all in the same place. Because of that, it accounted for almost half of my screen time overall. Snapchat was the second most at around 37%. It is what I use to keep in touch with many of my friends from my old school and hometown. Finally, I used TikTok the third most at 21%. I use it for entertainment and also content inspiration from time to time. These uses account for most of my screen time in general, so it makes sense that these apps are my most used. 


To the right is an infographic visualizing my screen time in similar detail.